
Welcome to My NEW Creative Space.  So much has changed in the last 5 years that I had to reboot and create a new direction for my life.  I have retired from education, retail and running a small business.  My life now consists of daily crafting, sewing for my grandchildren and enjoying each day as it comes.

This blog is not to sell you anything but I may feature products in my posts but realize they are from my stash!  Yes, many of you can relate to the pounds of paper, the yards of fabric and the numerous other supplies that I have collected over the last 10 years.

Not only do I have lots of 'stuff' but I am lucky enough to be able to have multiple gadgets to add to my creativity and I will be featuring a number of different machines as I craft each day.  So please feel free to share my blog with your friends who also craft and welcome to my new site!
