Heart Love to Pfaff Lovers Around the World

Here is my inspiration for the heart design that I worked on during the week for a table topper that I found on Pinterest.  Rather than use the charm square blocks for the center, I decided to create this Heart using the Word Sculpt feature in Premier+ 2 Ultra.

There is actually a sample heart design in the software but it was stitched out using the Grand Hoop and too large for my 8 1/2" center block.  So I decided it was time to challenge myself to learn the functionality of this feature.

I stitched it out last night and I was very pleased with the results.

As a special gift to my Pfaff Lover friends around the world, I am sending you this Valentine heart before the 14th. You can stitch it out and share it with the rest of the world or just keep it for yourself!  I used a 200 x 200 quilting hoop and stitched it on my Pfaff icon.  You can find the design HERE.

Please do not share the design but rather link them to my blog.  Since I dabble in a number of hobbies, I would like to share my love for all things crafty with everyone.

Happy Valentine's Day!
